- Capacities from 200 gph to 3000++ gph
- For Propane, Butane, and other LPG
- Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger
- ASME “U”-stamped
- Ex-proof Class I, Div 1, Group D
- Small Footprint, High Efficiency
- PLC Controls with First-Out Monitor
- Local Start/Stop Station
- Dual Liquid Carryover Protection with
“Smart” Liquid Carryover Function and
Ultrasonic Liquid Level Control
- UL stamped external Relief Valve
- All-welded Liquid Inlet Assembly
- Flanged Steam Inlet with Steam Temperature Regulator and
Steam Back Check
- Option: Walk-in Control Room
- Option: Remote Monitoring and Operation (Modem, Ethernet, Wireless)
- Option: Integration with LPG/Air Mixers for Standby Systems and
Peak Shaving Systems
- Option: Chinese Pressure Vessel Approval
- Option: 6-inch color LCD Display with Touch Screen Operator Interface, alarm history, and local trend recording.
General Description
Alternate Energy Systems offers a complete line of circulating-hot-water vaporizers in capacities from 200 gallons per hour to 3000 gallons per hour.The heat exchanger tube bundle is of multi-pass design to transfer the maximum heat to the liquid. The tube bundle and all propane piping conform to Section VIII, Division I of the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The pressure vessel carries the ASME ”U” stamp and is National Board registered.
VWB vaporizers in standard configuration include temperature regulator; dual liquid carryover protection through ultrasonic liquid level transmitter in the pressure vessel, and “smart” liquid carryover protection with Rosemount pressure transmitter and temperature transmitter in the vapor outlet; and liquid inlet valve. Temperature gauges in water inlet and outlet, and in pressure vessel shell and vapor outlet, are standard.
Vaporizer design, wiring, controls, and electrical components and their installation comply with the latest editions of NFPA #58 and NFPA #70.
All safety devices of the vaporizer, including the dual liquid carryover protection, are monitored by a programmable logic controller (Allen-Bradley MicroLogix-1100 or Siemens S7-1200), which is connected to an operator interface with high-resolution LCD display and touch screen. The operator interface provides start/stop control for the vaporizer; it displays the system status, and any failure conditions that may occur, in plain English (with date/time stamp). The electrical enclosure for the PLC and the operator interface are to be installed in non-classified location.
A small explosion-proof enclosure at the vaporizer provides local start/stop and alarm reset functions.
The hot-water consumption of VWB Vaporizers is proportional to the actual vaporization rate. The consumption rates given in the table below are based on 185°F (85 °C) water temperature and 40°F (22°C) inlet/outlet temperature drop. |