AES (Alternate Energy Systems)

Models VSV-200 to VSV-3000

  • Capacities from 200 gph to 3000++ gph
  • For Propane, Butane, and other LPG
  • Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger
  • ASME “U”-stamped
  • Ex-proof Class I, Div 1, Group D
  • Small Footprint, High Efficiency
  • PLC Controls with First-Out Monitor
  • Local Start/Stop Station
  • Dual Liquid Carryover Protection with
    “Smart” Liquid Carryover Function and
    Ultrasonic Liquid Level Control
  • UL stamped external Relief Valve
  • All-welded Liquid Inlet Assembly
  • Flanged Steam Inlet
  • Electronic Steam Temperature Regulator with pneumatic positioner (Spirax Sarco)
  • Steam Back Check
  • Steam Trap
  • Electronic Operator Interface with high-resolution color LCD Display and Touch Screen; Alarm History; local trend recording; VNC server for remote monitoring and control.
  • Option: Walk-in Control Room
  • Option: Integration with LPG/Air Mixers for Standby Systems and
    Peak Shaving Systems

General Description

Alternate Energy Systems offers a complete line of vertical steam vaporizers in standard capacities from 200 gallons per hour to 3000 gallons per hour. Higher capacities are available.

The steam tube is of multi-pass design to transfer the maximum heat to the liquid. The tube bundle and all propane piping conform to Section VIII, Division I of the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The pressure vessel carries the ASME ”U” stamp and is National Board registered.

VSV vaporizers in standard configuration include an electronic steam temperature regulator with pneumatic positioner (Spirax Sarco); dual liquid carryover protection through ultrasonic liquid level transmitter in the pressure vessel, and “smart” liquid carryover protection with Rosemount pressure transmitter and temperature transmitter in the vapor outlet; liquid inlet valve (solenoid valve); steam trap; and steam back check valve. Temperature gauges in steam inlet and outlet, and in pressure vessel shell and vapor outlet are standard.

Vaporizer design, wiring, controls, and electrical components and their installation comply with the latest editions of NFPA #58 and NFPA #70. All electrical components on the vaporizer comply with Class I, Div 1, Group D.

All safety devices of the vaporizer, including the dual liquid carryover protection, are monitored by a programmable logic controller (SIEMENS or Allen-Bradley), which is connected to an electronic operator interface with high-resolution color LCD and touch screen. The operator interface provides start/stop control for the vaporizer; it displays the system status, and any failure conditions that may occur, in plain English (with date/time stamp). The electrical enclosure for the PLC and the operator interface are to be installed in a remote, non-classified location.

A small explosion-proof enclosure at the vaporizer provides local start/stop and alarm reset functions.

The electronic operator interface also provides graphic TrendLine recording, first-out memory (Alarm History), and built-in VNC server for remote monitoring and control of all vaporizer function via the built-in Ethernet interface.

The steam consumption of VSV Steam Vaporizers is proportional to the actual vaporization rate. As a “rule of thumb”, 1 lb. of steam is required for each gallon of liquid LPG (1 kg of steam for 4 kg of liquid LPG).

Nominal Capacity
(Propane & LPG up to 30/70 Propane/Butane)
Steam Consumption
(max 400°F / 204°C)
L x W x H
inches / m
gph MMBTU/h kg/h MMkcal/h lbs/h kg/h lb / kg
VSV- 200 200 18.4 400 46 200 91 600 / 275 18″ x 25″ x 88″
0.45m x 0.65m x 2.24m
VSV- 400 400 37 800 93 400 181 770 / 350
VSV- 600 600 55 1200 139 600 272 1060 / 480
VSV- 800 800 74 1600 185 800 363 1150 / 520
VSV-1000 1000 92 2000 232 1000 454 1570 / 715 27″ x 37″ x 94″
0.6m x 0.95m x 2.40 m
VSV-1500 1500 138 3000 348 1500 680 1880 / 855
VSV-2000 2000 184 4000 464 2000 907 2350 / 1065 34″ x 43″ x 103″
0.9m x 1.10m x 2.65m
VSV-2500 2500 230 5000 580 2500 1134 2520 / 1145
VSV-3000 3000 276 6000 696 3000 1361 2910 / 1320
Common Specifications
Design Temperature 650 °F / 343 °C
Design Pressure 250 psi / 17 bar
Test Pressure 375 psi / 26 bar
Relief Valve Setpoint 250 psi / 17 bar
Required Steam Pressure 15 psi / 1 bar
Electrical AC 110 V 60 Hz, Single Phase, 5 A / AC 220/240 V 50 Hz, Single Phase, 5A
Steam Consumption Steam Consumption is directly proportional to momentary load
Weights and dimensions are approximate. Dimensions are for heat exchanger shell only.
Trim and accessories are not included in dimensions. Specifications are subject to change without notice

Models VWB-400 to VWB-6000

  • Capacities from 200 gph to 3000++ gph
  • For Propane, Butane, and other LPG
  • Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger
  • ASME “U”-stamped
  • Ex-proof Class I, Div 1, Group D
  • Small Footprint, High Efficiency
  • PLC Controls with First-Out Monitor
  • Local Start/Stop Station
  • Dual Liquid Carryover Protection with
    “Smart” Liquid Carryover Function and
    Ultrasonic Liquid Level Control
  • UL stamped external Relief Valve
  • All-welded Liquid Inlet Assembly
  • Flanged Steam Inlet with Steam Temperature Regulator and
    Steam Back Check
  • Option: Walk-in Control Room
  • Option: Remote Monitoring and Operation (Modem, Ethernet, Wireless)
  • Option: Integration with LPG/Air Mixers for Standby Systems and
    Peak Shaving Systems
  • Option: Chinese Pressure Vessel Approval
  • Option: 6-inch color LCD Display with Touch Screen Operator Interface, alarm history, and local trend recording.
General Description

Alternate Energy Systems offers a complete line of circulating-hot-water vaporizers in capacities from 200 gallons per hour to 3000 gallons per hour.The heat exchanger tube bundle is of multi-pass design to transfer the maximum heat to the liquid. The tube bundle and all propane piping conform to Section VIII, Division I of the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The pressure vessel carries the ASME ”U” stamp and is National Board registered.

VWB vaporizers in standard configuration include temperature regulator; dual liquid carryover protection through ultrasonic liquid level transmitter in the pressure vessel, and “smart” liquid carryover protection with Rosemount pressure transmitter and temperature transmitter in the vapor outlet; and liquid inlet valve. Temperature gauges in water inlet and outlet, and in pressure vessel shell and vapor outlet, are standard.

Vaporizer design, wiring, controls, and electrical components and their installation comply with the latest editions of NFPA #58 and NFPA #70.

All safety devices of the vaporizer, including the dual liquid carryover protection, are monitored by a programmable logic controller (Allen-Bradley MicroLogix-1100 or Siemens S7-1200), which is connected to an operator interface with high-resolution LCD display and touch screen. The operator interface provides start/stop control for the vaporizer; it displays the system status, and any failure conditions that may occur, in plain English (with date/time stamp). The electrical enclosure for the PLC and the operator interface are to be installed in non-classified location.

A small explosion-proof enclosure at the vaporizer provides local start/stop and alarm reset functions.

The hot-water consumption of VWB Vaporizers is proportional to the actual vaporization rate. The consumption rates given in the table below are based on 185°F (85 °C) water temperature and 40°F (22°C) inlet/outlet temperature drop.


Nominal Capacity
(Propane & LPG up to 30/70 Propane/Butane)

Water Flow
(185 °F / 85 °C)


L x W x H
inches / m







lb / kg

VWB- 400







600 / 275

18″ x 25″ x 88″
0.45m x 0.65m x 2.24m

VWB- 800







770 / 350








1060 / 480








1150 / 520








1570 / 715

27″ x 37″ x 94″
0.6m x 0.95m x 2.40m








1880 / 855








2350 / 1065

34″ x 43″ x 103″
0.9m x 1.10m x 2.65m








2520 / 1145








2910 / 1320

Common Specifications
Design Temperature 650 °F / 343 °C
Design Pressure 250 psi / 17 bar
Test Pressure 375 psi / 26 bar
Relief Valve Setpoint 250 psi / 17 bar
Electrical AC 110 V 60 Hz, Single Phase, 5 A / AC 220/240 V 50 Hz, Single Phase, 5A
Water Bath Vaporizers

08-Series:     WB-168 to WB-508
05-Series: WB-455 to WB-10005

Download Datasheet (PDF file)

Water Bath Vaporizer (WB-2505)
with integrated Maintenance House

Water Bath Vaporizer (WB-258)
with Step-In Control Room

  • 08-Series: 168 gph to 505 gph
    (322 kg/h to 975 kg/h)
  • 05-Series: 455 gph to 10000++ gph
    (873 kg/h to 20000++ kg/h)
  • For Propane, Butane, and other LPG
  • Forced Draft Power Burners
  • Low-Fire/High-Fire Modulation
  • Small Footprint, High Efficiency
  • Conforms to ASME, NFPA, PED
  • FM / IRI / CSA / CE approved
  • Heavy-Gauge Steel Construction
  • All-Welded Design
  • PLC Controls with First-Out Monitor
  • Graphic TrendLine recording 96 hours in local memory, over 2 years on standard SD-card (included)
  • “Smart” Liquid Carryover Protection
  • Step-in Control Room WB-168 to WB-1505
  • Extended Control Room WB-1805 and above (Maintenance House)
  • Remote Monitoring and Control via built-in VNC server
    (open-license VNC client software included)
  • Option: Integration with LPG/Air Mixers for Standby Systems and
    Peak Shaving Systems
  • Option: High-Pressure up to 400 psi
  • Option: Multi-Language Operator Interface
  • Option: Control Room with Heater and/or Air Conditioner

General Description

AES manufactures two lines of Water Bath Vaporizers, the 08-Series for capacities from 168 gph to 508 gph (322 kg/h to 975 kg/h), and the 05-Series for capacities from 455 gph to 10005 gph (873 kg/h to 20 metric tons per hour).

All AES water bath vaporizers are of “horizontal” design. Top and sides are insulated to hold the temperature of the water bath. The vaporizing tube bundle and all LPG piping conform to the standards of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the latest edition of NFPA Pamphlet #58. The design is approved by Factory Mutual (FM) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and is accepted for Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI) installations. The vaporizers are also available with European CE Approval (third-party inspection by TÜV Rheinland and TÜV Süd).

A mixture of water and antifreeze is the heat transfer medium. A pump constantly circulates the solution to reduce heat stratification. The vaporizers are skid mounted, factory tested, primed, painted and ready for installation. They are ready for connection to properly sized electrical supply, liquid propane inlet and vapor outlet.

The vaporizers come with 2 sets of Operating Manuals and Test Reports, are designed for outdoor installation, and require only nominal preventive maintenance.

The model number (WB-xxxx) designates the vaporization capacity in gallons per hour Propane vaporization at 0°F (-18°C) inlet temperature.

All WB vaporizers are manufactured with a protective enclosure for the burner and the control components. Models WB-1805 and above are equipped with an extended control room (maintenance house), which is available as  an  option for the smaller models  WB-455 to WB-1505.

Model numbers ending in “8” utilize a European-style compact power burner; model numbers ending in “5” utilize Maxon TOT burners (or similar types). Both series are equipped with Agency-approved Safety Relays and electronic flame safe guard. This combination elevates the safety of the vaporizers to “Performance Level 4” (formerly known as SIL 3).

Both series of vaporizers are equipped with “Smart” Liquid Carryover Protection function by a Rosemount pressure transmitter and a Rosemount temperature transmitter in the vapor outlet.


These models are manufactured with a European-style, high-efficiency compact power burner. All vaporizer functions are constantly monitored by a Programmable Logic Controller with Ethernet interface (PLC; Siemens S7-1200 or Allen-Bradley MicroLogix-1100), which communicates with a graphic display operator interface (color LCD display with touch screen). The operator interface is used to monitor and display the system status; any failure message will be displayed in plain English; first-outage-monitor (Alarm History) and graphic trend recording are standard. The PLC is installed together with the Honeywell Satronic flame control module in the control panel, which is mounted in the vaporizer control room. The full-size step-in control room is equipped with country-specific receptacles and light fixture.

The vaporizers are equipped with a “smart” liquid carryover protection. Vapor pressure and temperature are constantly monitored by a dedicated Rosemount pressure transmitter and a temperature transmitter. Their signals are processed in the PLC and are compared against the vapor pressure/ temperature saturation curve of the LPG that is being vaporized. The properties of the LPG (Propane/Butane percentage), and the “safety margin” (how close the pressure/temperature are allowed to come to the saturation curve) can be entered through the operator interface. If the safety margin is “breached”, the liquid inlet solenoid valve is closed after an adjustable alarm delay period has elapsed.

A Dräger GasLeak Monitor with long-life infrared sensor (expected life 10+ years) monitors combustible gas levels in the control room. The vaporizer will be shut down if the concentration reaches 40% LEL.

Three Agency-approved Safety Relays elevate the safety rating of the 08-series vaporizers to “Performance Level 4” (SIL 3).


These models are manufactured with high-efficiency Maxon TOT (or similar) power burners. An electronic thermostat (Rosemount temperature transmitter) provides low-fire/high-fire burner modulation. All vaporizer functions are constantly monitored by a Programmable Logic Controller with Ethernet interface (PLC; Siemens S7-1200 or Allen-Bradley MicroLogix-1100), which communicates with a graphic display operator interface (color LCD display with touch screen). The operator interface is used to monitor and display the system status; any failure message will be displayed in plain English; first-outage-monitor (Alarm History) and graphic trend recording are standard. The PLC is installed together with the Honeywell flame control module in the control panel, which is mounted in the control room. The full-size step-in vaporizer control room can be extended to form a maintenance house, providing additional weather protection for operating and maintenance personnel (extended control rooms are standard on models WB-1805 and above). All control rooms are equipped with country-specific receptacles and light fixture.

The vaporizers are equipped with a “smart” liquid carryover protection. Vapor pressure and temperature are constantly monitored by a dedicated Rosemount pressure transmitter and a temperature transmitter. Their signals are processed in the PLC and are compared against the vapor pressure/ temperature saturation curve of the LPG that is being vaporized. The properties of the LPG (Propane/Butane percentage), and the “safety margin” (how close the pressure/temperature are allowed to come to the saturation curve) can be entered through the operator interface. If the safety margin is “breached”, the liquid inlet solenoid valve is closed after an adjustable alarm delay period has elapsed.

A Dräger GasLeak Monitor with long-life infrared sensor (expected life 10+ years) monitors combustible gas levels in the control room. The vaporizer will be shut down if the concentration reaches 40% LEL.

Three Agency-approved Safety Relays elevate the safety rating of the 05-series vaporizers to “Performance Level 4” (SIL 3).

05-SERIES:  MODEL WB-7005 thru WB-1xxx5

These models are usually configured for specific customer applications, for example for use by utility companies in PeakShaving systems. Since PeakShaving systems often operate at elevated pressures, the heat exchangers of these vaporizers are enlarged to increase the dwell time of the LPG in the vaporizer, thereby increasing the amount of superheat that is transferred to the LP vapor.

Other modifications can include high-capacity water circulating pumps (to further reduce heat stratification in the water bath); NatGas fired burners (instead of LP fired burners); non-standard PLC configurations (i.e. for integration of the vaporizer controls into an existing SCADA system); etc.


Water Bath Vaporizers use – as the name implies – water as the heat transfer medium. However, since the heat exchanger components and the bath box of the WB series are manufactured from carbon steel, it is recommended that the heat transfer solution be a mixture of water and an industrial coolant/heat transfer fluid with inhibitors to provide rust/corrosion protection