ACD CRYO can supply an extensive range of centrifugal pump from road tanker applications to process duties. Besides our fixed speed gearbox pumps we can also supply pumps for use with frequency inverters drive or hydraulic drive thus removing the gearbox from the pump and allowing it to run quietly with more flexibility.

We have developed Frequency Inverter drive pumps specifically to meet the demanding challenges of road tanker applications and are able to supply a pump system complete with frequency inverter, control boxes and flow meter to meet a complex mixture of standard pressure, low pressure and high pressure applications from a single unit.

Our hydraulically driven TOP 260 pump is arguably the quietest hydraulically driven pump available and is capable of meeting the high pressure (35 bar LIN) requirements for laser tank filling. With its totally enclosed oil lubricated bearing housing and cartridge type mechanical seal it is also one of the simplest pumps to maintain.



AC 48

AC 32




TC 21

TC 34